Hello! This is a website for my comics, art, animation, and anything else that catches my interest! Part portfolio, part blog sort of thing.
I currently live with my cat, Jess. In my free time I’m usually working on a new comic, trying to get back into writing and photography, or slowly dragging myself through the mountain of fabric that I bought for past sewing projects.
But, let’s face it, most of the time I’m laying on the floor with my cat, scrolling through my phone.
So what can you expect to see here?
Well, comics of course! I have mainly short form ones right now, but in the future, you can expect to see a comic longer then four pages! So stay tuned!
My non-sequential art will also be posted here. I’ll have videos on Youtube but I’ll post about them here when I have a new one uploaded. Here you can get insight as to my thought process behind each video, and some fun facts too.
The easiest way to see what I have going on right now is via my socials! They are all linked down below.